HPBB je americká kapela pochádzajúca z amerického Wisconsinu. Niekde sa uvádza, že má štyroch členov, avšak najčastejšie hrá v trojčlennom zložení. Kapela dokázala verejnosť zaujať svojimi vokálmi a inštrumentálnymi výkonmi a taktiež inovatívnym prístupom k bluegrass. Veď podľa ich slov, prechádzajú do bluegrassu do swingu a hrajú aj tiež niečo medzi tým.
Hand Picked Bluegrass Band - Sweet Virginia
bitrate 192 kbps

1. Kisses No Longer True
2. Five Finger Discount
3. Sweet Virginia
4. She Was Dear To Me
5. Be Here With You
6. Cold Hard Winter
7. Billsville
8. That's What I Call Home
9. Take Me Down To The Water
10. Duluth
11. Tomahark'n
12. We Will Survive
13. Could You Loan Some
14. Blues Stay From Me
pass : eduso
1 komentár:
Hello. I'm sorry I do not know Slovak, so I have to type this in English. I hope you are able to read it, and if you can't I apologize.
I wanted to tell you that I added your blog to the bluegrass category at the Digital Meltd0wn Blogroll / Aggregator. The Address of the blogroll is http://music-bloggers.blogspot.com
If you would Like to help me in return, would you consider mentioning the blogroll in a short post? It is not required to be on the list, but I would appreciate it. Thank you for the music you share here. Take care.
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