Larry Cordle | Pud Marcum's Hangin' |
Ashleigh Caudill | Fruit of the Vine |
Randy Waller & The Country Gentlemen | One Mile East of Hazel Green |
Michael Martin Murphey | Buckaroo Blue Grass II |
Farewell Drifters | Echo Boom |
Three Ring Circle | Brothership |
John Reischman & The Jaybirds | Vintage & Unique |
Cahalen Morrison & Eli West | The Holy Coming of the Storm |
River Boy | River Boy |
Volume Five | Down In a Cell |
The Bankester Family | Somewhere In Between |
David Parmley & Continental Divide | The Best of |
Honeywagon | Songs From Neverland |
Jay Armsworthy | I Couldn't Make It Without Him |
Steve Smith, Chris Sanders & Hard Road | Sings Along the Road |
If you'd like to have these albums please follow instruction:
1. send request with relevant quotation on e-mail address bluegrassovenovinky(@) (just remove parenthesis):
1. If you like to get just June package quote bobm-july2011.
2. If you like to get June package + June news quote bobm-july2011+bobm
3. If you like to get July news quote bobm.
4 If you like to get albums from other months quote bobm-month2011.
2. I'll send you money request on your e-mail address from Paypal service.
3. When I'll get confirmation of your payment, you'll get links on albums.
4. Monthly membership is 3 EUR or 5 USD or 3 ₤. Write me your preferred currency.
All money I'm using for buying new great bluegrass albums.
Thank you.
Toto je zoznam albumov, ktoré získali členovia Brotherhood of Bluegrass Music. Ak by si mal záujem dostať tieto albumy, prosím, nasleduj inštrukcie:
1. Napíš mi e-mail s patričnym predmetom na adresu bluegrassovenovinky(@) (odstráň zátvorky):
1. Ak chceš albumy z júnového balíčka, do predmetu napíš bobm-july2011.
2. Ak chceš albumy z júnového balíčka + júlové novinky napíš bobm-july2011+bobm.
3. Ak chceš iba júnlové novinky, do predmetu napíš bobm.
2. Potom ti pošlem žiadosť o platbu cez Paypal (je dobré mať tam otvorený účet)
3. Keď dostnem potvrdenie platby, pošlem linky na albumy.
4. Mesačné členské je 3 Eurá.
Všetky peniaze sú použité na nákup bluegrassových noviniek.
Ďakujem za podporu.
Next month :

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